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Empower your growth
from your data

The analysis of company data, also enriched with external data, has now a fundamental role for every company to be competitive on the market.
We support companies to obtain added value from their data.

"Decisions must be based on data and not on feelings..."

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Data mining

Abbiamo esperienza nella elaborazione, trasformazione e visualizzazione dei dati



Siinfo is mainly based on IT governance and therefore management of systems concerning information technologies and subsequent visualizzation.


We were born in 2015 with the aim of expanding and meeting the needs of the market. We develop projects focused on collecting, managing and visualizing data for any need.


All of our services are specific to IT sector. They are tested in order to guarantee the highest quality and professionalism.


Thanks to long experience of our professionals you will have the best solutions existing on market today. You will never rimaine alone in front of your unexpacted informatic problems

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    Viale Marco Polo 117/A
    00154 Rome (RM) – ITALY

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    Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00